Our mission is To Be Transformed as We Follow Jesus Daily, Leading Others to Do the Same.


Our vision is to be a Christian community whose lives and relationships honor God.


  • Worship as the Starting Point
    We come together in worship, affirming who God is and what He does in our lives.

  • All Glory to God
    We Humbly give God the credit for everything.

  • The Authority of Scripture
    Scripture is the authority and foundation of our actions.

  • Love in Every Relationship
    Our actions, both individually and corporately, demonstrate God’s love. We show this by caring for each other and each life we touch.

  • Continuing a Legacy of Faith
    We invest in young families so that they will know the hope of following Christ, and bless the generations to come. We are committed to establishing a strong Christian community for future generations.



  • I Submit Humbly
    Am I putting the interests of others above my own?
  • I Live Honorably
    Am I living a life worthy of God’s love for me?
  • I am Rooted in Scripture
    Am I reading and applying Scripture to my life daily?
  • I Give Cheerfully
    Am I joyfully giving a portion of my time, talents, and treasures?
  • I Live With Contagious Joy
    Do my attitudes reflect the Hope I have in Christ?